All Day Prep School
The smart owners’ alternative to doggy daycare Huntington Beach
4-12-weeks Intensive Programs
For adolescent dogs who are 20 weeks – 18 months

You’ve had your dog for a while now, and you’re likely in the teenage phase, with challenges like jumping, barking, pulling on the leash, running away and not coming back, and still having potty accidents.
You really thought you’d be further along by now, and if you’re honest, your dog’s behavior is creating some family stress, and they are getting bigger and less easy to manage.
Adolescent dogs are dopamine junkies. Their pre-frontal cortex is still developing, and they are brilliant at finding ways to feel stimulated, ways we often don’t like!
It’s the most challenging phase to weather as a pet parent because impulsivity is high, emotional regulation is low, decision-making is poor, and common sense is non-existent!

What’s wrong
with doggy daycare?

At this point, many owners turn to doggy daycare in Huntington Beach to relieve the stress. What they don’t know is that daycare is extremely difficult and expensive to execute well, and most places are profit-led and well-being-poor.
The result is an overcrowded, high-stress environment with huge safety risks and an even more significant downside…
At best, your teenage dog is exposed to bad manners, intolerant older dogs, bullying thugs, and spends the day practicing the bad habits you hate – and learning even more.
At worst, your dog develops defensive behaviors (like growling and snapping) as they try to keep themselves safe or, worse still, is the victim of an attack.

Punishment and isolation deal with Problems and bad behavior; there is no scheduled rest, intellectual stimulation, insufficient space, or skilled observation or intervention to support any dog’s best interests.
Worst of all – owners of daycare dogs experience a dog who looks excited to arrive at daycare (due to overarousal) and seems to give them an untroubled evening (as their dog recovers from a stressful day of no rest). Hence, they remain unaware of the danger their dog is exposed to every day.
Happy Clients

We’ve used most of the CLA services since our dog was 8 weeks old including board and train, puppy school, in person, online classes and home visit help prepare our space.
As a result our fur baby is well trained and socialized. There’s no other place we board her when we go out of town.”

Here at All Day Prep School, we solve that problem.
The convenience of daycare, the power of 1:1 elite training, the safety and the peace of mind that comes with world-class experts.
This is the most critical phase for skilled training and tight guidance. All-day school is perfect for this tricky developmental stage, as we can control routine, environment, and experiences, rewire troublesome behaviors they’ve developed, and put that fast brain to great work for the future.
Modeled after a school-like schedule and structure, our flagship All Day Prep School Programs offer 4-12 week tailored journeys designed to give your adolescent dog the experiences, education, and support they need to become the dog you deserve.
Our program relieves the stress of adolescence and the burden of training while giving you the skills and confidence to manage your young dog at home and in public with ease and success.
Enrolment Path
1. Complimentary consultation call
2. Facility tour and meet the team
3. Puppy evaluation
4. Paperwork and agreements
5. First Day at School!
Here’s what’s included in your All Day PrepSchool Huntington Beach
School Day Schedule

Our School day runs from
9:00 am-4:00 pm

Before & After school clubs are included so you can…

Drop off between 7 – 9 am & Pick up between 4 – 5:30 pm.
Happy Clients

“CLA has not only been a rockstar in training my Bernedoodle, Dakota but has taught me so much as well.
If your looking for a dog trainer look no more. CLA is where it’s at! Their dedication & commitment to your pup & family is everything I’ve been looking for.
When you are away on vaca or wherever they keep you updated with photos, videos & a detailed report of your dogs day.
I can’t wait to keep watching Dakota grow in the hands of CLA.”
Your dog will learn…
The Foundation Skills
The foundational skills are the core behaviors your dog needs to learn to succeed in our world. These give you safety, reliability, peace of mind, and excellent behavior your friends will envy.
You will have a dog who can pay attention to you, understand what you want, settle calmly whenever you need them to, and come back when you call, unlocking trust, freedom, and a dog you are crazy proud of!

Sit, down, wait, leave it, and release – under distraction

Great Habits
Great habits are about nurturing healthy choices that optimize your dog’s and your family’s everyday experience. They ensure that meeting new dogs and people is enjoyable and well-mannered, vet trips and grooming are easy, and traveling with your dog to new places is a joy. Great habits unlock fun, inclusion, and adventure!
Develop a healthy play style
Emotional Development
With a heavy focus on impulse control during the teenage phase, emotional development ensures that the brain and broader nervous system that controls your dog’s choices are optimized for calm, thoughtfulness, and good decisions.
It ensures your dog can resist temptation, tolerate boredom, self-soothe, stay focused under distraction, and respond rather than react to bad experiences.

Focus under distraction

Fulfilment & Games
Nurturing our dog’s intellectual development has never been more critical than in the teenage phase.
Showing your dogs how to put that vibrant brain to great use rather than become self-employed in a job of their own choosing, changes the game for your relationship. Building strong self-belief through play and fun helps create a dog who can problem-solve and keep trying even when things get tricky.
Deliberately creating play, fun, and stimulation allows the development of an ‘off switch’ so they can also switch off and rest! Intellectual stimulation also means teaching your dog and you how to satisfy their breed’s natural desires for the ultimate fulfillment and a happy dog.

Your Investment
At Canine Learning Academy, we have programs ranging from $40 per class to $165 for a full day of school training to suit your circumstances, goals, budget, and unique puppy and family.
The first step in your Canine Learning Academy journey is to book a complimentary 121, designed to give you our undivided attention and expertise.
The rest of the time, we’re having a blast with the dogs!
By focusing solely on you during this call, we can fully understand your needs, tailor our advice and recommendation, and create a quote for your perfect Program.
Leave your details below, and a Trainer will contact you within 48 hours to arrange your call.